
Five Ways to Prevent Car Accidents


Car accidents are among the most devastating experiences that people can have. The size, weight, and speed of automobiles can mean that even “minor” collisions can seriously affect the health and finances of the individuals involved. And when an accident is particularly bad, the outcome is often deadly. The National Safety Council reports that there were 46,020 automobile fatalities in 2021. This is an increase of nine percent over the statistics from 2020 and 18 percent more than in 2019.

Although the trend has not been going in the right direction, there are practical steps that all drivers can take to keep themselves and others safe when out on the road. Among the most important of these precautions are the following five:

Drive within the Speed Limit

There is a very good reason that speed limits exist: to prevent accidents from occurring. Driving too fast increases the likelihood of accidents because you have less time to respond to dangers on the road. Moreover, speeding makes it more likely that any accident that happens will be more dangerous. This is because the increased momentum of your moving vehicle will create a greater force of impact.

Many people’s main concern when exceeding the speed limit is the threat of getting a speeding ticket. This can be costly, of course, and can have consequences for your right to continue driving in the future. Furthermore, being pulled over by a police officer will make you reach your destination later than you would have if you had been traveling at a legal speed. But it is even more important to consider that by traveling so fast, you are putting the lives of others in danger, in addition to your own.

Keep Your Focus on Driving

It can be very easy to become distracted on the road, but vigilance is one of the key aspects of safety. Avoid using your cell phone for texting or talking, even if it is hands-free. Research has shown that having a cell phone conversation while driving contributes to more errors than having a conversation with a passenger who is present.

Additionally, if you are using GPS, be sure to have it set up before you depart.

Keep any children secured in their seats and give them something to keep them occupied if you are on a long journey so they won’t be tempted to distract you.

Make Sure Your Vehicle is Properly Serviced

It’s important to have your vehicle checked regularly. If your tire treads, turn signals, taillights, or brake pads are not functioning as they should, your chances of being in an accident will increase significantly. Nobody finds vehicle maintenance appointments particularly exciting, but being involved in a road collision is less appealing.

Don’t Drive While Intoxicated

Driving under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substances leads to tragic accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), about a third of all traffic accident fatalities in the United States involve drunk drivers.

Alcohol and other substances impair your senses and slow your reaction time, putting yourself and others at serious risk of harm. Don’t get behind the wheel if you’re not sober.

Keep Your Cool

There are a lot of people in New Jersey who are not exactly model drivers. You’ve probably noticed plenty of motorists who speed, fail to signal, or cut other drivers off. While it can be easy to get angry at such individuals, keeping your distance and cool is best. Let them pass if they follow too closely behind you and honk their horn. Losing your temper or attempting to retaliate will only lead to far more trouble than it is worth.

Contact an Experienced New Jersey Car Accident Lawyer

Even if you always observe the above tips, chances are that other road users drive recklessly or negligently. If you have been injured in an accident through no fault of your own, or if someone you know has lost their life in an accident that was another party’s fault, you may be eligible for compensation for your injuries or wrongful death compensation.

The seasoned New Jersey car accident lawyers of Brach Eichler Injury Lawyers have experience successfully helping New Jersey car accident victims file claims against those who have caused harm with their negligent or reckless driving. We are ready to help you, too. To schedule a free consultation with an experienced car accident attorney, call (973) 364-8300 today.

Written by: Brach Eichler Injury Lawyers Last Updated : August 23, 2023
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My case was not a simple case, but Ed Capozzi and his team took it head on. It was a pleasure to deal with Ed Capozzi and Corey Dietz. All their knowledge and fast response to any questions I had throughout the case made it easier on me. I can’t forget about Mr. Capozzi’s wonderful paralegal. Ella Twardowski was a pleasure to talk to and work with. Everybody was kind and thoughtful. This team of attorneys never made me feel like I was just another case. They make you feel like friends. If you need an attorney, give Ed Capozzi and Corey Dietz a call! They won’t let you down! Thanks to everyone at Brach Eichler Injury Lawyers! You guys rock!

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I had a great experience with Alex Capozzi at Brach Eichler Injury Lawyers, helping resolve an issue I had with a previous landlord. Alex provided invaluable guidance and professionalism that helped me avoid a massive headache. Highly recommend this firm to anyone looking for legal advice or services! Thanks Alex!

- Dan Pinto

The personal injury attorneys at Brach Eichler Injury Lawyers set the bar very high. They are a phenomenal group of lawyers and I would not recommend searching anywhere else. I personally know Kristofer Petrie (Kris) and his team work endlessly to make you feel at home in the toughest of situations, while getting the results that you’re hoping for in a timely manner.

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The staff is polite and kind. My attorney Capozzi worked hard to get me what I deserved! I would definitely recommend and give more stars if I could.

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